Top 5 Educational Toys


In a world where screens dominate, finding ways to engage children without an episode of Peppa Pig blaring in the background is proving pretty difficult nowadays. If you’re in need of some educational toy inspo that isn’t just your run of the mill wooden clock, then Toy Street has you covered. We understand the importance of introducing educational toys from a young age, and that’s why we’ve curated a collection of products designed just for that. Here’s a run down of 5 toys perfect for educational play!

100 Piece Wood Blocks Set:

I know I said we’d look at toys that aren’t your run of the mill wooden clocks, but wooden BLOCKS really are the corner stones for a child’s first play. This collection of 100 wooden blocks comes in four colours and nine shapes, perfect for stacking, building and (unfortunately for the adult cleaning it up) knocking down countless colourful combinations. The wooden block set is a must have for developing fine motor skills, dexterity, colour and shape recognition and pre-math skills!

Match & Count:

Learning to count is a pretty slow process, but a vital one to teach nonetheless! Make learning to count from 1 to 20 fun with Match & Count. Working as both a math activity and a puzzle, your child is tasked with matching the simple picture cards with the numbers; there’s no tricking this clever puzzle, as only the correct cards will fit together. This allows your child to self-correct their jigsaws and learn from the mistakes!

Times Tables Heroes:

There was nothing I dreaded more than a multiplication class at school. If your child is the same, then introduce a fun alternative with Time Tables Heroes! This multiplication game will help children practise their times tables from 2-12. With two games in one – Hero City board game and Multiplication Bingo – times tables will (hopefully…) become a fun activity.

In the Hero City Board Game players move around the board via the spinners and solving multiplication sums. They’ll need to defeat the evil unicorns, outwit the zombies or even escape the giant slugs! Times Tables Heroes also includes a colourful times tables checker, which can be used with or outside of the game to extend learning.

When the game is finished players can turn over the board for a fast-paced game of Multiplication Bingo! Using the cards and spinners from the board game, players race to be the first to get 3 in a row. This will be especially helpful for encouraging children to recall their times tables quickly.

Discover The World Jigsaw (1000Pc):

Travelling with a child can seem like a tiring idea, especially the dreaded prospect of a screamer on a plane full of passengers. Well, with the Discover The World jigsaw, travelling without even leaving the house has never been easier. This 1000 piece puzzle takes children on a global journey, exploring continents, countries, landmarks, and cultures along the way. As children piece together the puzzle, they’re improving their spatial reasoning and problem-solving skills, whilst getting a good look at the world!

Stepping Into Science:

If you don’t want to fall for the old mento in a coke bottle or at home slime science experiments, then see what Stepping Into Science has to offer. With 25 experiments in five key areas: nature, physics, chemistry, air, and water, science has never been easier to teach or learn!

Learn what plants need in order to grow and investigate plant propagation. Discover how a magnifying glass enlarges, how colours mix, how static electricity attracts, how sundials tell time, and how a motion picture works. Write secret messages, float a paper clip, blow super bubbles, build a soap-driven boat and more.

With a 48-page guidebook, Stepping into Science teaches science fundamentals with step-by-step, hands-on experiments, while also introducing children to the scientific method itself.

Final Thoughts:

From building blocks to maths games, to world puzzles and science kits, stepping away from the screen and into educational toys has never been easier. So, why wait – order your Toy Street products now!

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Excellent service,product arrived early too.

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I have used Toy Street before and will again. Their pricing is excellent and delivery is usually within the week.

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True to promise . Great service .. prompt and safe delivery .. would recommend highly

First time I used Toy Street as a supplier of 'playful things' for my grandchildren. Very impressed with the easy of ordering and communication on delivery cycle. Products arrived as specified and would certaily recommend them.

First time I used Toy Street as a supplier of 'playful things' for my grandchildren. Very impressed with the easy of ordering and communication on delivery cycle. Products arrived as specified and would certaily recommend them.

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They had what I needed at a great price. Delivery was fast and ontime.

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Fast shipment, good price.

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Excellent from start to finish. Very quick despatch and by far the best price online. Would recommend.

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