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  • Description
  • Reviews

Introducing Reverso, SmartGames’ latest innovation in puzzle games, designed by the creative minds of Raf Peeters and Leighton in 2023. A significant evolution from the traditional Back2Back, Reverso simplifies the brainteaser experience while enhancing its appeal as a fidget toy. Unlike its predecessors, Reverso forgoes the challenge booklet, inviting players to explore its puzzles via a complimentary app, catering to all skill levels.

Compact and portable, the game features a small 7cm x 7cm transparent game board, offering a fresh and engaging design. The game set comprises six silicone puzzle pieces, including a standout green piece that guarantees a solution when placed first on the board. With the strategic inclusion of a fixed pin and a thoughtful design ensuring secure piece placement without sacrificing ease of manipulation, Reverso presents a unique challenge with each play.

Reverso is not just about finding a single solution; it’s about discovering multiple paths to success, with over 150 ways to fill the grid, providing endless entertainment. The game encourages strategic thinking, starting with the placement of the more complex pieces to avoid unsolvable scenarios, a challenge underscored by the clever design of the dark blue L-piece.

Available in Summer 2024, Reverso comes in eco-friendly, minimalistic packaging, reflecting SmartGames’ commitment to sustainability. Accompanied by a user-friendly app accessible via QR code, players can delve into a variety of challenges tailored to their preference. Whether as a travel companion or a delightful addition to any puzzle collection, Reverso promises hours of engaging and thoughtful play.